Report In provides personnel accountability and mustering with easy-to-use check in features. Easily setup fixed or mobile check in locations using QR Codes. Capture Meeting attendance or setup scanning for tracking entry access for a room. Report In is the complete personnel accountability for any need.

Report In provides personnel accountability and mustering with easy-to-use check in features. Easily setup fixed or mobile check in locations using QR Codes. Capture Meeting attendance or setup scanning for tracking entry access for a room. View real time check in records on the dashboard using a map or generate reports. Use Report In to capture attendance and personnel records for almost any need.

Key Features:
Check in management at any location using QR Codes
Personnel accountability for muster events
Easy-to-use with any device camera (no login required)
Dashboard with real time updated personnel counts and map view

No overhead cost for infrastructure updates – electrical power, card readers, network or Wi-Fi
Can integrate with existing badging systems or work stand-alone
Streamline attendance logs for any event, meeting or entry into rooms.